How Our Love Story Unfolded (not) at ITB

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We finally visited ITB after we got married

In the past two days, we had been celebrating the 100th anniversary of Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), which also marked the 100th year of engineering study in Indonesia. As an alumnus, a daughter of an alumnus, and a wife of an alumnus, I, of course, had been joining this celebration (later I refer to as #100TahunITB). On social media platforms, #100TahunITB came with a myriad of nostalgic moments posted by its alumni — ranging from their unforgettable (shameful) moments, graduation days, till their love story.
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My Youth Crushes, a Contemplation on “To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before”

 Taken from Image courtesy of Netflix. 

Who has watched Netflix’s movie adaptation from a best-selling novel with the same title, “To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before”?

Who did get the euphoria after watching it?

Who did go back in time to teenage life and its sweet time of having a crush on boy(s)?

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The Day Aisha was Born

Dear Aisha our firstborn,

February 8th, 2018 is one of the most memorable days for Mama, Papa, your Grandparents, and those who love you. This date will be celebrated as your birthday later in the future. You will receive congratulatory messages from your friends, a celebratory family dinner, and sometimes a surprise party.
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Being a Pregnant Woman in Portugal: the Administration & Check Up

Maternity Book or Boletim de Saudé da Grávida

I came to Portugal when I was in my second trimester of pregnancy. I had had several checkups at the OB/GYN every month when I was in Indonesia, but then I need to continue my checkups here in Portugal. Having said so, different country, different rule, and standard. I was lucky that I met some Indonesian friends who had given birth in Portugal several years ago and they helped me a lot during my pregnancy. Therefore, I want to do the same through this blog post. Hopefully, it could help anyone (foreigner especially) to have safe and joyful pregnancy here.
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We Have Moved to a New City!


Bandung was never empty during the weekend, especially that Saturday. Prior to my departure on Sunday afternoon, my husband and I planned to settle some things up. Our plan included getting a haircut (this was very important because haircut was much more expensive compared to one in Indonesia), copying some important documents, and eating Bakmi Akung for lunch. He drove me with his motorcycle to downtown. This was exactly one thing I was going to miss for several years: being a passenger on his old motorcycle.
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When Mrs. OMG! is No Longer a Miss

Six weeks have passed since the incredible April 29th, 2017 — was saved on my calendar as my wedding day. My husband, my family, & I didn’t use any Javanese calculation in deciding the date. We planned it based on several considerations, including how far do we were ready to get married and most importantly, the venue’s availability.

How We Met Each Other

Both my husband & I didn’t post any picture of us on social media until a few days before our wedding day. Thus, several friends texted me in person when they knew I was about to marry my husband.
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